
Sunday Silliness – Summer’s Fabulous Cat Life

It's time for some Sunday silliness, with another fun round of outtakes from Summer.It's time for some Sunday silliness, with another fun round of outtakes from Summer.

I have lots of fun outtakes for you this week! So let’s get started!

Somali cat with birthday crown sticking out her tongueSomali cat with birthday crown sticking out her tongueSomali cat with birthday crown sticking out her tongue

Yes, I was a sassy birthday girl!

Somali cat whippingoff her birthday hatSomali cat whippingoff her birthday hatSomali cat whippingoff her birthday hat

Very sassy! I will tell you a secret. I’m mostly okay with wearing hats, but I really didn’t like this one. As a matter of fact, I disliked it so much, that my human tossed it in the trash as soon as my birthday obligations were over.

Somali cat posing awkwardly with her hoopSomali cat posing awkwardly with her hoopSomali cat posing awkwardly with her hoop

I love jumping through hoops. Sitting still and posing with the hoop is more of a challenge.

Somali cat in dress with airplane earsSomali cat in dress with airplane earsSomali cat in dress with airplane ears

Yes, I’m in airplane ears mode, but it had nothing to do with the dress. There were some very noisy workers outside, and they were bothering me! My human kept on having to coax my ears back to normal.

Somali cat with magazines and applause sign, with tongue sticking outSomali cat with magazines and applause sign, with tongue sticking outSomali cat with magazines and applause sign, with tongue sticking out

Before we discovered that my Time Cats magazine mention had a typo, my human had pulled out an Applause sign for me. You can tell I already knew that something bad was up.

Somali cat in birthday skirt, shot from behindSomali cat in birthday skirt, shot from behindSomali cat in birthday skirt, shot from behind

And that’s the end of the outtakes! I hope they made you laugh. Let me know in the comments if one made you laugh more than the others.

Here are more funny and fun photos for you:

Sunday SillinessSunday Silliness

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