
Just How Feral Is the Peach Kitty

How feral is the peach kitty? While this cat may be the exception to ferals, Summer explains that he's not exactly tame either.

I know the peach kitty looks pretty tame in a lot of the videos and photos you see here. But he’s still definitely a wild child!

Two cats together, one on a leash, and one a feral catTwo cats together, one on a leash, and one a feral cat

When you see him rubbing against me and taking treats from my human’s hand, he looks pretty tame. But he really is still a feral cat.

Somali cat rubbing against human's handSomali cat rubbing against human's hand

Here’s one example. There’s a universal petting signal for cats who want to be touched. The human holds out their hand, and a cat will rub their cheek against their fingers.

Peach cat staring suspiciously at human handPeach cat staring suspiciously at human hand

The peach kitty doesn’t know what it means. He just looks suspiciously at my human’s hand. She can pet him, sometimes, but only on his back, and if he’s not looking.

Somali cat in foreground, and peach cat in backgroundSomali cat in foreground, and peach cat in background

He has other feral behavior too, and if you watch the last part of the video below, you’ll see an instance of it that is pretty funny!

Just How Feral Is the Peach KittyJust How Feral Is the Peach Kitty

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